Weekly diary

I wore a lot of warm weather scents this week. Chypre Mousse, Pour la Belle, Nuit Etoilée, Zoologist Elephant, Batucada, which feels like a short holiday in brasil… Coriandre, LDDM. I gave EL Jasmine White Moss a good wearing, but although the notes seemed to be right, there was something that made me want to scrub it.

I managed to do almost 120km bike commuting this week. I cross some nice bridges, one with historic railway wagons, which are bering restored by a group of railway enthusiasts, some small bridges in the Glems valley. The tomatoes are starting to ripen too, soon we will have a good crop.

On my plate were chicken legs with zucchini, filled zucchini, zucchini bread. Yes, it’s the season!!! I drove to the black forest to drive the boyfriend home and we had lunch there with a big schnitzel and rostbraten. And we had a big Pimms Cup cocktail on the balcony on Saturday

I did not have time for sewing, so nothing was finished. But I finished watching the Broadchurch series, which was really good. It’s always nice, if you cannot guess who did it. Can recommend this.

Weekly diary

Perfumes I wore were Jasmin Angélique, Azurée, I thunked my sample of Florabotanica, but don’t need more… Untitled L’Eau, Chypre Siam, finished a decant of Figue Blanche and now Lovely Sheer for a sunny sunday.

I did not do much cooking, as the boyfriend is still in rehab. I made some gyros and Thai style turkey kabobs. But I managed to make some oatmeal rolls on Saturday, which tasted good.

I did lots of biking and biked to work two days, 22km each way and back and did some gardening in our alottment. The tomatoes are growing nicely. I also bought a rain poncho for biking, although I don’t plan to bike, if it’s raining in the morning.

I bought The People’s Poncho, which has great reviews, but I haven’t tested it yet.

Weekly diary

Perfumes i wore this week were Coriandre layered with Ma Griffe, 4160Tuesdays What i did on my holidays, Cabotine, Memoire d´une Odeur (nice, but very fleeting), Private Collection, Aromatics Elixir, Mitsouko, Terracotta, SJP Lovely Sheer, AC Jasmin Angelique.


On my plate: Chicken legs with Baharat and eggplant, smothered zucchini, green bean salad, meatballs, some Gyros and calamari at the greek restaurant. I did not do as much cooking as usual, because the boyfriend went to rehab on thursday.

I had a mammogram because of the screening program, thankfully i did not have to wait, it was quite empty. I finally managed to cycle to work again  on friday, because the weather finally got better.  The course goes around a mill in an idyllic valley, there are also some high stone benches, called “Gruhe”, where in older times the salesmen could rest their big backpacks on those benches. My commute is 22km one way, so this takes some time, even on an e-bike.

I managed to sew a bit on Sunday and started a hopefully wearable muslin on a denim jacket, hope it will fit okay.