Festival season

Outside and for free concert with a Depeche Mode cover band

I forgot posting last week, but wore perfume daily. So out came Doe in the snow, Scherrer EdT, Meet me on the Corner, Fan di Fendi, Untitled l´Eau, Batucada and Verveine Cedrat for last week. This week i thunked Orange Sanguine (will need no more of this, its too woody for me), Chypre Siam, Pour la Belle, Aromatics Elixir, Eau de Lancaster, Patou Joy and Fiore dell´Onda.

This weeks cooking was mostly tomatoes in all its forms, as a salad, on a burger, eaten with salt and cooked into a lentil bolognese with pasta to go with it. I made a big batch of pulled pork, so we had homemade burgers for dinner.

We had a music festival at our town in summer, and every Tuesday there is a band playing for free and lots of foodtrucks, beer and wine. This weeks band was playing Depeche Mode, but sadly they were just okay, so we went home early.

Saturday was spent doing taxes, which was no fun and sunday i only managed to sew a bucket hat for a gift. But i finally finished all seasons of Elementary and now i am looking for another series to watch. Maybe i will start over with Stranger Things, because they released another season or maybe the second season of Locke and Key, which i really liked. Any tips for Netflix or Amazon Prime?

2 thoughts on “Festival season

  1. I’ve now used up the little samples I had of some M&S scents and some from a small perfumer in the UK and now I’m back to a bottle of Avon’s Rare Gold. Your cover band story reminded me of a lady who was walking behind me recently talking on her phone. She was telling her friend that she was going somewhere to see a band, but they were only a pretend band, not the real one. I thought that was a hillarious way of describing a cover or tribute band. As to TV shows, I can recommend Shetland – the final season is just airing here in the UK, but the first 6 are quality viewing. I literally inhaled Stargate: Universe recently. I would also recommend The Split, but I don’t think it’s available on Netflix or Amazon.


  2. That’s so cool that you sewed a bucket hat! I just bought one a few days ago and learned that it was called a bucket hat. I loved Elementary and was sad that it ended, but I guess all good things come to an end…


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