After long silence- a quick recap

We went to Narbonne again for the holidays and spent three weeks there relaxing, biking, cooking and going for walks. As always it was much too short and we were sad to return home…

Then my mother finally decided to move into assisted living, so we had to spend some time sorting things out, deciding what to take or leave. Thankfully the house is our own, so we can leave the remaining things there for now and can decide later what to do with them….

The first part of the move was in the biggest snowfall Munich has seen for the last 10years, we had to shovel for nearly two hours to make a parking space for the moving van. This was my car after the snowfall….

The second part of the move was two weeks later, we moved my mom and her essential things into the tiny apartment in the North of Munich. It was heartbreaking to see her leave her house she lived in for the last 40years. She did not even turn back, just got into the car and stared ahead. Thankfully it was a sunny day without snow and she has a nice view.

The next weeks will be also stressful with christmas ahead and all, so i apologize in advance for the blogging hiatus that will surely happen the next weeks. I hope to get back to it next year….

But i still enjoy my perfumes and wear them daily. I even discovered a small independent perfumer in Narbonne, France and bought a travel spray of a scent called Sixties, a pepper/plum/labdanum and incense concoction, that is really good in the cold weather.

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